
This project is a collaborative effort between community groups, scientists, and organizations providing resources and expertise to monitor impacts from air pollution. The following are some of the groups involved in the development and operation of the Lost Hills Air Quality Project.

Blue Tomorrow and Technical Team

Blue Tomorrow is an environmental consulting group that specializes in assessing impacts from pollutants and providing solutions to environmental problems. We work within federal, state, and local regulatory frameworks and deliver technical information to our clients that they use to mitigate impacts and sustainably manage environmental resources. We design projects to meet the needs and concerns of our clients and customize project teams with industry experts and leaders.

For the Lost Hills Air Quality Project we’ve assembled a team of scientists, mechanical engineers, web developers, and other technical experts to create a real-time web-based community air monitoring system.

Clean Water Fund

Since 1974, Clean Water Fund has helped people campaign successfully for cleaner and safer water, cleaner air, and protection from toxic pollution in our homes, neighborhoods and workplaces. Organizations and coalitions formed and assisted by Clean Water Fund have worked together to improve environmental conditions, prevent or clean up health- threatening pollution in hundreds of communities and to strengthen policies locally and nationally.

California Air Resources Board (CARB)

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing programs and actions to fight climate change. From requirements for clean cars and fuels to adopting innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, California has pioneered a range of effective approaches that have set the standard for effective air and climate programs for the nation, and the world.

Comite Lost Hills En Accion

Comite Lost Hills En Accion, founded in 2017, is a community formed and led committee composed of active Lost Hills residents aimed at improving the quality of life for all residents through community organizing, leadership and advocacy.

Central California Environmental Justice Network (CCEJN)

Our goals are to preserve our natural resources now, and in the future, by seeking better ways to minimize or eliminate environmental degradation in Central Valley communities. This is crucial because rural communities in California’s Central Valley suffer a disproportionate amount of negative health, social, and financial impacts. Led by diverse local people and working with other networks globally, we strive to end environmental racism and achieve economic justice through sustainable regional solutions. The Lost Hills Air Quality Project exemplifies our efforts in this area relating to air pollution issues in California.